Michael Bay’s “6 Underground” is a wasted opportunity. When it was announced that Mr. Bayhem himself was going to team up with the King of Snark, Ryan Reynolds, for a Netflix movie, the duo had the perfect chance to take a fun, meta approach at Bay’s typically soulless and loud films. But, in a surprise to no one, Bay stuck to the status quo with “6 Underground.”
Ryan Reynolds stars as a nameless billionaire who has recruited five other highly-skilled “ghosts.” All six of these ghosts are legally dead and use their resources and skills to attempt to make the world a safer place. The movie follows their missions around the world.
The movie itself is vastly empty. “6 Underground” doesn’t really have a plot, which makes it pretty hard to follow. It’s hard to stay engaged when there’s nothing keeping you engaged. Bay relies on his old standbys of explosions, beautiful people and locations, explosions, gun fights, and more explosions to keep the movie going. Every performer takes a backseat to these elements of “6 Underground.”
Netflix initially became appealing for actors and film/television makers alike, because it offered a safe haven to let their creativity run rampant. It’s disappointing to see that Bay didn’t take that opportunity to do something different. His style may have worked for audiences ten years ago, but it just doesn’t click with them now. “The Fast & Furious” franchise has become somewhat of a spiritual successor to the “Bayhem” style of film, but those movies found a way to make the style endearing. They don’t take themselves too seriously. It’s a quality that Bay could really learn a thing or two from. But until then, you’re best off skipping “6 Underground” and any forthcoming Michael Bay movie in the future.