“The Incredible Jessica James” is a love story, but not in the traditional sense. The film follows Jessica James (Jessica Williams) as she attempts to navigate a brutal breakup, her dreams to become a playwright, and a potential new relationship with Boone (Chris O’Dowd).
The story is modern and relatable. “The Incredible Jessica James” doesn’t rely on romantic tropes to move the story forward. Take our protagonist Jessica. Despite being the main character in a romantic comedy, her sole motivation is not a relationship. She might be struggling to move on from a previous relationship, but the movie is more about her career aspirations than anything. She even openly talks about masturbation in the film—multiple times. That’s not a typical behavior for a leading lady, and that’s what makes it so refreshing. That makes it easier for the audience to connect with Jessica.
Williams is an absolute delightful leading lady. She is best known as a former correspondent on “The Daily Show.” She made such an immediate impact on fans that they were clamoring for her to take over for Stewart once he announced he was leaving the show. She has that same magnetic energy in “The Incredible Jessica James.” She’s introduced goofily dancing around her apartment. She’s goofy, flawed, fun, and doesn’t care what anyone thinks. She gets spooked by a serious relationship, but also realizes her own self-worth. Audiences will be able to see at least something of themselves in Jessica.
Williams is surrounded by a superb supporting cast. LaKeith Stanfield has an ease about him as Jessica’s ex Damon. There’s a reason Stanfield is popping up more and more on screens. His low-key charm is irresistible. O’Dowd, the other man in Jessica’s life, is equally charming, but in a completely different way. Stanfield is cool and calm, and O’Dowd is goofy and a little awkward. O’Dowd and Stanfield are complete opposites, but they still have equal chemistry with Williams. O’Dowd and Williams in particular are a bit of an odd couple, but it’s still sweet to watch these two fall in love. Williams also has palpable chemistry with Noël Wells, as Jessica’s best friend Tasha. Wells has a sweet and quirky vibe that blends nicely with the story and the rest of the cast of “The Incredible Jessica James.”
With Valentine’s Day coming up, this is a bit of an untraditional selection, but a great viewing option for the month of love. Recognizing when a romantic relationship isn’t working and loving yourself is just as important as finding ‘The One.’ These are valuable lessons taught by “The Incredible Jessica James,” and let’s hope we see Williams in more roles like this soon.