We recently had the chance to review Jacob Ethan Tanner’s short film “It’s Quiet in the Cold” about a brutal hitman in pursuit of a mysterious package. Tanner, who is from Swansea, in Wales, produced, wrote, and directed the film, which was shot in the UK. The film itself is less than twenty minutes, and with stylistic visuals and dialogue, represents an exercise in thoughtful, independent filmmaking.
Movie Buff: What made you decide to get into filmmaking?
Jacob Ethan Tanner: I’ve always been slightly obsessed with films growing up, but I never thought I’d actually end up getting involved in making them. But I got involved in acting in some amateur theater, and it’s spiraled from there!
Movie Buff: What filmmaker(s) was/is your biggest influence?
JET: I’m a big fan of the aesthetic of Nicolas Winding Refn films, I think they have such a distinct look – like a neon fueled nightmare.
Movie Buff: What was the motivation behind “It’s Quiet in the Cold?”
JET: I thought it would be interesting to throw the audience in at the deep end – at the end of the story – and just ramp the tension and mystery up to eleven. See what happens.
Movie Buff: Can you talk a bit about independent films? Do you think the medium is gaining traction with the proliferation of online media options and online film critics?
JET: I think the fact there’s so much content out there thanks to the internet is incredible. It’s such a valuable resource that allows anyone to make something – amateur or professional – and get it out there, where people all over the world can see it. And with sites like yours reviewing and showing people’s work, the chances for filmmakers – young and old – have skyrocketed.

Movie Buff: What is the biggest struggle of being an independent filmmaker? How about the biggest Blessing?
JET: The biggest struggle has to be the lack of time and money we have. Working your day job, and finding the time in between to throw your own funds into a project can be a little stressful at times, but it’s worth it for the biggest blessing: the freedom. As an independent filmmaker, you don’t have a studio breathing down your neck telling you what to do. You get to make your own vision exactly as you wanted it to be.
Movie Buff: What advice do you have for individuals looking to get into independent films? What are the ups and downs?
JET: Just go for it. Too many people think “I’ll do it tomorrow”. I say; do it today, cos tomorrow never comes. The hardest part is starting the project going, but as soon as you get that ball rolling, the motivation comes out and really pushes you to succeed.
Movie Buff: Do you have any upcoming projects in the future you can talk about?
JET: I have another short film planned to begin production next summer, and then my first feature the year after… so some exciting times lay ahead!
Movie Buff: What are your hopes for the future? What are your goals and aspirations?
JET: I’d love to get a film screened at Cannes, or Sundance… that’s a real dream of mine.
Movie Buff: What is your favorite movie?
JET: I don’t know about favorite, but the film I always refer to as what I think is the best for ever made, is the first “The Godfather” film. A true masterpiece.
Click here to watch “It’s Quiet in the Cold”
You can view more of Jacob Ethan Tanner/follow him with the following links:
Instagram: @the_man_the_myth_the_meme