“If Anything Happens, I Love You” is a short, American animated film about the grief and suffering of the parents of a young schoolgirl who they’ve lost recently in a horrific school-shooting incident.
Created in the form of a short, non-verbal, cartoon-sketch video, the film attempts to depict the sorrow and emptiness that enter a person’s life when they suddenly lose a loved one in such a horrible incident. Moreover, without uttering a single word, the film speaks volumes of the horrors of mass-shooting events and the irreparable damage they leave behind.
The film has been written and directed by Michael Govier and Will McCormack, and produced by Gary Gilbert along with Gerald Chamales, Maryann Garger, and Michael Govier, under Gilbert Films and Oh Good Productions.
“If Anything Happens, I Love You” was released on Netflix on 20th November 2020 and you can watch on the streaming service currently.
You can watch the film’s trailer below: