In a world of average summer blockbusters, one movie dares to be better than them all, and that movie is not “The Boss Baby: Family Business.” Shawn Levy directs “Free Guy,” a science fiction action/comedy starring Ryan Reynolds as Guy, a non-player character (NPC) working as a bank teller in a video game called Free City. He soon becomes self-aware and decides to become the hero, teaming up with Molotov Girl (Jodie Comer) to save the game.
The summer of 2021 has not given us much to love in the world of movies. But I’m happy to say this movie is the biggest surprise of the summer. At the time of writing this review, I have not yet seen “The Suicide Squad,” so as of now, this is my favorite film of the summer. I’m done halfheartedly recommending movies; I wholeheartedly recommend you watch this film.
I love every genre of film. Action, horror, romance, animation—if it’s a movie, I’ll find something to respect about it. But more than anything, I like movies to entertain. Hell, my other two favorite films of the year are “The Mitchells vs. The Machines” and “In the Heights,” two films gift-wrapped for entertainment. And that’s what “Free Guy” is. This movie begins with incredible video game action with a surprise cameo (which this movie has a few of). From there, the film introduces our main character, Guy, while also establishing the world outside of the video game, and none of it is boring for a second.
Levy’s work has been a mixed bag in the past, directing some bad movies and a few good ones. After a seven-year break from directing, he’s dipping his toe back in the action-comedy genre; and like with “Date Night,” this movie has exceptional action and comedy. Also, with a stand-out production design, every action set-piece is quite wonderful to behold. They’re thrilling, stylish, and visually dazzling. Without a doubt, the film is cleaner than Reynold’s bloody, R-rated work on “Deadpool,” but the PG-13 rating works for the film’s lighthearted subject matter.
The movie also delivers on the laughs it promises. It has genuinely hysterical moments with Reynolds bringing his usual charisma to the table. Taika Waititi kills it as Antwon, an over-the-top baddie who chews up the scenery with his larger-than-life presence. It’s a hilarious film with wonderful pop culture references.

The biggest issue the film has is the fact that it will inevitably draw comparisons to other movies. Nearly every critic is going to describe this film as “The Truman Show meets “Ready Player One,” and if not those films, then they’ll compare it to “The LEGO Movie,” “Wreck-It Ralph,” and “Stranger than Fiction.”
And there are definitely similarities to all of those films, but this movie has a personality of its own. The film features outstanding chemistry between Reynolds and Comer; and unlike many recent films, it delivers on its premise, executing its ideas in wonderful ways.
If you want a fun, fresh movie that’s not worried about setting up fifteen sequels and spin-offs, this is that movie. It’s an absolute blast of humor and action, and it’s a feel-good adventure that creates something fascinating and beautiful. “Free Guy” is a gleeful experience with action, romance, laughs, and a consistently furious Taika Waititi. This is what movies are made for.