The Netflix 2021 horror/thriller flick “Aftermath” is a stream you may want to avoid.
A young couple; Natalie (Ashley Greene) and Kevin (Shawn Ashmore) move into a house where a murder/suicide occurred. Natalie and Kevin have their own issues with each other and the marriage. There are problems with trust, and each seems suspicious of the other. Shenanigans ensue immediately after they move to the house. The viewer is left pondering if they are paranormal or simply criminal in origin.
The actors do a fine job with the movie. In particular, Ashley Greene has a commanding presence and seems a perfect fit for a horror movie leading lady. The movie opens in a fast and grisly way and offers some promise. There are several parts where the horror works quite well. Sadly, the plot gets in the way.

The setting is standard fair. A house where a murder/suicide took place is chilling. It happened recently, and Natalie and Kevin are made aware at the start. They are getting a bargain on a nice house and take the offer. It puts them there in a realistic way.
The plot gets carried away by the third act. The ending is flat out asinine. And the score fits about as well as a Silverback’s paw into a toddler’s mitten. Any scary moments in “Aftermath” are all murdered by a score that doesn’t seem to recognize what genre it’s in.
“Aftermath” is streaming on Netflix. Its only 114 minutes and while not very good I will admit it kept me watching the entire time. It’s a good warmup for #31DaysofHalloween