Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ll likely have caught onto the fact rumours have been circulating regarding the potential reboot of the 1997 much loved series, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” And whilst there have been discussions about this over the years, the show’s leading lady, Sarah Michelle Gellar, has always denied the possibility of any sort of reunion or reprise. Until now.
Yep, that’s right: fans have been losing their minds harder than Angel lost his soul to Buffy over Gellar’s recent confirmation that plans are in the works for a series reboot on Hulu. Gellar recently said on Instagram: “Three years ago, I got a call from my dear friend and mentor, Gail Berman. She told me that she wanted me to sit down with (filmmaker) Chloé Zhao to hear her take on a potential “Buffy” revival…as I’ve always done, I told Chloé that I just didn’t see a way for the show to exist again.”
Sarah Michelle Gellar Agreed to Talks
However, after agreeing to a meeting with Chloé, Gellar then added “We laughed, we cried, but mostly we talked about how much this show means to us. While I didn’t agree to anything at that meeting, I did shock myself by agreeing to continue the conversation.” She finally added that she would not agree to a reboot unless “I was sure we would get it right” but confirmed that “we are on the path.” So, though nothing has been officially confirmed, it certainly sounds like plans are in motion.
But, before we get into what we know about these plans, let’s take a trip back to the ’90s (cue nostalgic daydream back into the land of denim and Britney) and recap what, in my opinion, is one of most epic shows of all time.
Now, most people might think that “Buffy” was born in 1997 when the show premiered. In fact, the character first appeared in 1992, when Kirsty Swanson took on the role of the punky, cheerleading vampire slayer in Joss Whedon’s big screen debut. After mixed reviews, Whedon eventually decided to take the character in a new direction, culminating in the beloved TV show that ran from 1997-2003, spanning a total of 144 episodes.
Of Nostalgia and the Original ‘Buffy’

It follows 16-year-old vampire slayer and ‘Chosen One’,’ Buffy, and her friends, as they battle with the supernatural forces plaguing their town, Sunnydale, located on a mystical portal (also called the ‘Hellmouth’). In serialised format, it combines overarching, complex storylines that often run for one or more series, with the everyday conflict that Buffy and her friends face in both their personal lives, and when fighting against the evil that surfaces from out of the Hellmouth.
Although it’s cheesy, a little gimmicky and, depending on your beliefs, purely in the realms of the fictional, at its core are genuinely relatable, believable characters full of heart. We follow Buffy and the ‘Scooby Gang’ as they make the awkward and painful transition from 16-year-old teenagers, into adulthood, witnessing their first loves, their rejections, and their confusion as they try to find themselves, battling their inner demons whilst countlessly saving the world.
The show also boasts some of the most intense, heart-wrenching TV episodes I’ve seen, from Angel and Buffy’s love story (sob) to Willow’s agonising first heartbreak (always rooting for you, Oz), to Xander’s continual struggles in finding himself outside of his ‘joker’ role. It really was the first of its kind, and laid the foundation for later TV shows, books, and movies, such as “Angel,” “Supernatural,” “True Blood,” “Twilight,” and “The Vampire Diaries.” And even to this day, I don’t think there will ever be such a kick ass, legendary female lead character as Buffy. Wow, even thinking about this is getting me emotional.
Confirmed Information
So, what do we know about this highly anticipated reboot?
- The reboot will apparently feature a new slayer, with Sarah Michelle Gellar returning as Buffy in a supporting role. In the series finale we saw Buffy passing on her powers to the ‘potential’ slayers, so there is definitely room for this.
- Joss Whedon will NOT be involved in its production (hardly surprising following allegations of misconduct throughout the original series). The show will be directed and executively produced by Chloé Zhou, and sisters Nora and Lilla Zuckerman (known for working on shows such as “Suits,” and “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) are expected to write it. There will also be multiple producers from the original series returning, such as Gail Berman and Dolly Parton (yes, you heard me right).

- Sarah Michelle Gellar is currently the only confirmed actor returning from the original series, though Juliet Landau, who played Drusilla, has reported that she would love to be involved. David Boreanaz has confirmed he will not be returning as Angel (WHY, David, WHY?) though stated that he was excited for Sarah Michelle Gellar’s return in the reboot. There has been some excitement around James Marsters returning as much-loved character Spike, despite it being seemingly impossible for the character to come back, after a series of cryptic messages from Marsters on social media.
- Additionally, Charisma Carpenter, who played Cordelia, commented on Sarah Michelle Gellar’s social media post “Could there be a more relevant time for such a story?! Long live the slayer, long live the slayer in us all!” whilst Seth Green, who played Oz the werewolf, commented “I’ll always love that we’re in two separate Scooby gangs together” (the pair are good friends in real life). Emma Caulfield caused a bit of a stir when she replied, “And it’s out,” implying that she may have known for a while (and may be involved?!). So, the jury’s still out in terms of who else might return, but it’s clear that there’s a lot of love and support for it from the original cast.
- There is no set premiere date, though Hulu are reportedly nearing a pilot order, so hopefully we will know more soon.
Mixed Feelings as Things Move Forward
Not a lot to go on, but it sounds as though plans are in motion, and it’s unlikely that Sarah Michelle Gellar would have made such a public statement without some level of certainty. And how do we all feel about it? There have been, understandably, mixed feelings from fans. I’m still undecided. The idea of watching a new slayer with Buffy as a supporting role doesn’t quite sit right with me—she will always be the ‘Chosen One’ in my eyes. But, it’s early days, so let’s wait and see what comes our way…