Following up his documentary “European Tour ’73,” released in 2020, filmmaker Ross Munro has released a short doc/love letter to…
Author: Mark Ziobro
Last year’s official international entry for the 94th Academy Awards, “The Good Boss” (“El buen patrón”) is releasing in the…
Directed and co-written by Scott Mann (“Heist”), “Fall” is one of the most terrifying movies I’ve seen, and it’s not…
“Wednesday’s Child” is the new short film from Irish director Laura O’Shea, who we’ve previously covered for her films “Match”…
At The Movie Buff, we recently had the chance to watch the Lebanese drama “1982,” which we found to be…
Dubbed simply “1982,” Oualid Mouaness’ drama, which recently premiered theatrically in both New York and Los Angeles, is a moving…
“The Visitor” is a Spanish-language feature playing at this year’s Tribeca Festival. It is about a father and ex-convict (Enrique…
Press release submitted by Tribeca Festival: The 2022 Jury Award winners of the 21st Annual Tribeca Festival, presented by OKX…
While feature-length films often steal the show at festivals, shorts shouldn’t be forgotten; and, as I’ve long believed, they offer…
“Attachment” is playing at this year’s Tribeca Festival; and I must say, it’s a bit of a mind trip. Written…