“Live Health” is a short, independent film written by actor Timothy J. Cox, and produced and directed by Timothy and…
Author: Mark Ziobro
David Gordon Green’s “Halloween” franchise has injected life into the legend of Michael Myers, not since played with since Rob…
This October, I feel compelled to re-write my review of “Halloween,” the 2018 horror movie from the franchise directed by…
Despite its rushed third act, Rob Zombie’s “Halloween” was honestly an earnest picture. It brought depth to the mythos, and…
For many, the “Halloween” franchise, clocking in at ten films, has gone on far too long (spanning from 1978-2009). However,…
Given the prolonged continuation of this franchise—and how surprisingly good “Halloween H20” was—my expectations for “Halloween: Resurrection” on re-watch were…
“Halloween H20: 20 Years Later” is available to watch on Prime Video, iTunes, and most other streaming platforms. Having seen…
By the time “Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers” rolled around, the primary antagonist had achieved legend status. Like Jason…
Okay. So I’m a huge fan of Michael Myers and the “Halloween” franchise, which might render headlines like the one…
Seeing as Jason was drowned in toxic waste in the previous chapter—and has been stabbed, shot, drowned, sliced, and diced…