High School is about conforming to the various groups and peers that surround you in the halls and classrooms every…
Author: Matt DeCristo
When perfectionist director Carlos Revalos sets out to make a classic style horror film (the 23rd film of his lackluster career)…
With October 1st a distant 270 days away, what better way to end the sappy barrage of Christmas movies than…
Nearly three quarters of a century ago, the Christmas movie season was forever changed with the release of one of cinemas all…
One mantra observed at The Movie Buff is rediscovering old favorites, and that was exactly the case with my weekend viewing…
Identified as “the baddest Hebrew this side of Tel Aviv,” Adam Goldberg takes center stage in one of the most…
When it comes to family centric, cheesy and cheery feel good holiday movies, no one tops the Hallmark Channel; but…
Even as an animated cartoon character, Adam Sandler’s typical crude and obnoxious self manages to etch through the screen in…
“It’s like drunk dialing without the alcohol.” Advises Kate’s best friend Miyoko, after Kate has informed her that she has…
When television stars attempt to cross the line into movies, the result can be a mixed bag of success. George…