In Rick Alverson’s unsettling and dark comedy/drama, “Entertainment,” we follow a struggling comedian (actor Gregg Turkington’s alter ego, Neil Hamburger as…
Browsing: Drama
Football is the national pastime. Sure, baseball holds the name, but only football has the publicity, the ads, and the…
It was eerily ironic that I watched the holiday movie “Family for Christmas” on December 13, 2015. I had earlier been…
Biopics are an odd genre. They face many problems, including, but not limited to: is the subject’s life interesting enough…
Darrel is a salesman, or so we think. Alexis is a journalist, so we are told. But these and other…
I imagine anyone who’s ever been cheated on feels like they are the only one it has ever happened to.…
I think sometimes Hallmark original movies try a bit too hard to be quaint and upbeat, becoming virtual caricatures of…
“Dutch” is about a man in love with a woman, who volunteers to pick up her spoiled kid from his…
I’m not one to get giddy over the technically sound nature of movie making, but when witnessing a piece of…
“Go to hell, you damn moon.” This has to be my favorite piece of dialogue in this film, “The Long…