The protagonist of the feature length Assamese film “Jolsobi,” a young college grad named Tapashi (Darathie Bharadwaj), tries to hold…
Browsing: Drama
Set around the ’90s to early 2000s, “Cobalt Blue” centers around Tanay and Anuja Dixit who hail from a conservative…
Captain Vikrant Khanna, a skilled pilot for the Skyline 777 aircraft and his young copilot, First Officer Tanya Albuquerque, are…
“The Wire” is one of the greatest things you will ever watch. Calling it a television program would be an…
Based on a best-selling book by Daniel Carney, “The Wild Geese” is the archetypal boy’s own adventure, a variation on “The…
Sebastián Lelio’s English language debut “Disobedience” is a passion-fueled romance that tells the story of forbidden love between two women.…
Indigenous chieftain Sitting Bull once said, “Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for…
Fitting that it was a John Ford film that gave us the line, “When a fact becomes legend, print the…
The trailer for “Indian Summer” made it look really friggen good. Anything from 1993 that opens with the blue streaking…
“Top Gun: Maverick” is a surprising stunner crafted with pure adrenaline and kerosene. This highly entertaining popcorn movie surpasses the…