Throughout his three and a half decade long career, Johnny Depp has excelled at playing strange, offbeat characters. From an…
Browsing: Drama
Watching a trio of legendary stars dazzle is just one of the reasons the 1973 classic “The Sting” is a…
Occasionally, a movie comes around that is different than any movie that has come before it. “Eternal Sunshine of a…
“Vice” is a terrifying movie. A tremendously important, politically relevant, and absolutely terrifying movie about power and those who wield…
It’s obvious that “The Chyrsalis,” written and directed by Matt Kravitsky, tried in vain to capture the spirit of horror…
“The Truman Show” is based around one singular idea. Aside from the solid acting, clever storytelling, and imaginative editing, it…
60 years ago today, the music world was in mourning over the sudden and tragic deaths of Buddy Holly, JP…
“Glass” is the finale to the loose Shyamalan trilogy comprised of 2000’s “Unbreakable” and 2017’s “Split.” Here’s a quick refresher…
I have a New Year’s resolution for filmmakers out there — let’s cool it with the environmental-based apocalypse films, okay?…
“Roma” is a masterfully directed film. Set in the Roma neighbourhood of Mexico City in 1970, the story is a…