“The Critic” is a 15-minute short directed and written by Stella Velon about a green actress who wins an Academy…
Browsing: Independent
Alex Honnold is a free soloist. To those who don’t know what that means, it’s mountain climbing without a rope.…
Written and directed by Adam Davis, “Broken Ceiling” examines the corporate hierarchy, albeit in a fantastical way. It revolves around…
“Beauty Queen” is an 18-minute short written and directed by Nicholas Goodwin about beauty and what’s important. The film opens…
The best way to describe “Shiner,” the indie feature written by Kevin Bernhardt, is a family drama about loyalty and…
“8 Remains,” an independent film by Juliane Block, requires strict attention. Its description, which bills it as a sort of…
In “Party Bus to Hell,” a group of young adults are on a bus traveling towards Burning Man. When the…
Ashely Tabatabai, creator of the short film “Falsified” follows up his more serious drama with the paraody/introspective “The Interview.” Tabatabai,…
The reason why I love everything about film so much is that there’s no prescribed method of filmmaking. There is…
“Inside I’m Racing” is an Irish short film centered around autistic teen Jamie (Ethan Dodd) and his passion for auto…