“Road to the Well” is an indie thriller written and directed by Jon Cvack, a film that starts off in…
Browsing: Independent
“Annulment” is an independent short by Writer/Director Bryan Stumpf. Shorts are a hard genre to master and a hard audience…
Friday the 13th? The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? This movie, “The Bunnyman Massacre,” is neither, is downright awful for most of…
“All Out Dysfunktion!” is a comedy/drama directed by Ryan LeMasters. It tells the story of five self-involved twenty-somethings who all…
A few weeks back, I criticized a short I watched, “Sweet Caroline,” for being too short. The film was 8…
When your skills as a filmmaker are lacking in every way, cheap thrills and rampant gore are senselessly infused to…
“Shackled,” directed by Nour Wazzi, is refreshing in its approach, even if it does wander a bit. Here we have…
“Everto” – an independent film written and directed by Antoine McKnight – accepts a lofty challenge: to bring back old-school…
“Nola and the Clones” is an independent feature written and directed by Graham Jones, and offers food for thought on…
“Sweet Caroline” is a short written and directed by Luke d. Nowell. It’s kind of chaotic, kind of all over…