“Memories,” the short film by Philippe Lebraud and Pierre Glénat, follows the duo’s 2020 short, “Covidream” in its cinematographic approach,…
Browsing: Short
Indeed’s belief in the universality of talent given the paucity of equal opportunities served as the reason behind the creation…
Cinema possesses the power to transcend the boundaries of spoken language, employing the art of visual metaphor to convey profound…
I’ve watched three films now written, directed, and/or produced by Ashley Tabatabi. The first was “Falsified,” a moving tale about…
“10-33” opens with a disturbing content warning – foreshadowing the impact it will have on anyone who watches. This short…
A couple prepare a small celebration in their house one night, partaking in an occasion opposite an empty chair across…
An eccentric boy has trouble fitting in at school due to his obsession with crows. His affinity for crows, along…
Writer/Director Ryan Fleming’s short film, “Sisyphus Unbound,” carries familiar notes. It carries with it a solid acting performance by veteran…
“I Heard it Too” is 7 minutes of sheer terror. It was screened by the British Film Institute and Talenthouse…
An emergency alert sounds in the middle of the night. You wake up in a daze and reach for your…