Every ‘Buff’ needs a spotter!
The internet is littered with movie review sites – here are some of our friends who have some great stuff to offer. Check them out for all your latest movie news!
* A big thanks to Dianne Reynolds for our logo design (you can check her out at www.diannereynolds.com)!
Media Partners:

Extra Features Podcast
Hailing for Toronto, “Extra Features Podcast” reviews all your favorite films in an hour-long podcast. Podcasts available for free download on iTunes.
After Movie Dinner
An inclusive movie fan website, featuring movie reviews, podcasts, interviews, article, and more.
Movie reviews of both Box Office blockbusters and classic films. New content weekly. Dan can also be found writing reviews for us at The Movie Buff.
Falling Down the Rankings
Our contributor Joe Hughes hosts a podcast with friends detailing rankings of ‘music, movies, games, and anything you can think of.’ Check him out and give it a listen!
Alternative films coverage: female filmmakers, LGBT movies, documentaries, shorts, world cinema, indie film et al. Awards season coverage too obviously.
2,500 Movies Challenge
Dave B’s “DVD Infatuation” is the place for daily movie updates as he attempts to watch 2,500 movies on DVD and Blu-ray from all over the world.
Cinema Schminema
Cinema Schminema is a lover of all movies, but has a penchant for movies that are unusual, unique, laughable, or just plain bad!
The Stinking Pause
A montly(ish) movie podcast with Scott and Charlie. The duo celebrates the anniversary of a movie each month, and chooses a movie each to discuss. Also listen on iTunes!
Movies Like Movies
Find movies that are like your favorite movies on this website! Lists of movies on different genres, and how they are like other movies you already love!
Not everyone gets on the movie bandwagon. Below are some just plain cool sites you should check out. But don’t take our word for it – see for yourself!
In Transition
A very cool blog about musings on and stories about our transition to living in a healthy ecosystem. Living healthy, foraging for mushrooms, and balancing life in the fast lane with our nature-driven roots.
All Cool Things
Your personal hub for all things cool, since 2011! Stop by All Cool Things for movie collectibles, vintage lunch boxes and memorabilia, action figures and more!
Matt DeCristo
The official website of author Matt DeCristo, The Movie Buff critic/content creator. Matt has published several books and short stories available for purchase. Check him out!