Thursday, September 12


Welcome to The Movie Buff podcast! Below is our podcast archive for access to our free podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud. Our current podcast series will cover 1-2 films, analyzing plot, cinematography, direction, and other elements.

Guests include fellow bloggers, podcasters, and friends of the website.

Listen, comment, and enjoy. The podcast is available for streaming or download on:


Podcast Episode Guide: 



Hot Take Ep. 1: (Feat. Extra Features Podcast) Coming Soon & Movie Talk (January 17, 2020)
Hot Take Ep. 2: (Feat. Extra Features Podcast) Coming Soon…and Remakes? (January 25, 2020)
Podcast Ep. 5: The Rise of Skywalker and Movie Talk (January 25, 2020)
Hot Take Ep. 3: (Feat. Extra Features Podcast) New Releases & Avoiding Spoilers (January 31, 2020)
 Podcast Ep. 6: “Gretel & Hansel” and “The Lighthouse” (February 5, 2020)
 Hot Take Ep. 4: Coming Soon, Trailer Talk, and Oscars! (February 10, 2020)
Hot Take Ep. 6: Box Office Recap & This Weeks Releases (February 21, 2020)
• Hot Take Ep. 7: This Week’s Releases & Box Office Recap (February 29, 2020) 
Podcast Ep. 7: February Romance – “Dear John” and “Pretty Woman” (February 29, 2020).
Hot Take Ep. 8: New Trailers and This Week’s Releases (March 14, 2020)

• Podcast Ep. 8: Rambo, “First Blood,” and Man Movie May (May 23, 2020)
 Podcast Ep. 9: Summer Movies and “The Karate Kid” (June 23, 2020)
 Podcast Ep. 10: Summer Movies and Discussing “Jaws” (September 11, 2020)
 Podcast Ep. 11: Halloween ’20 Horror Podcast (November 19, 2020)