The Movie Buff launches its new podcast series this week with an analysis of Clint Eastwood’s 2008 film “Gran Torino.” Host Mark Ziobro discusses and analyzes the film with The Movie Buff critic Daniel Prinn. Our discussion looks at the movie as a whole, its themes, and overall impact.

Dan and Mark cite some of their favorite scenes and script decisions, as well as discuss the impact Eastwood has on the film as a director. With Westerns like “The Outlaw Josey Wales,” and iconic auctioneers like “Dirty Harry,” in “Gran Torino” Eastwood presents some of his most personal and restrained work.

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*Sources – Audio clip courtesy of “Gran Torino” (2008). Directed by Clint Eastwood, Produced by Matten Productions in association with Warner Bros. distribution. 


Mark is a lifetime film lover and founder and Chief Editor of The Movie Buff. His favorite genres are horror, drama, and independent. He misses movie rental stores and is always on the lookout for unsung movies to experience.

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