Friday, September 20

Hel Questioning Out Loud” is a short film prompted by a conversation at a photo shoot as indicated in its opening placard. Crafted by Omaro Productions and directed by Carolina Kzan, the film is an interview with the titular Hel, an individual at the beginning of transitioning.

We get a powerful presentation in less than ten minutes in a way only an indie film can deliver. The viewer gets a quick though impactful glimpse of Hel, short for Helena, itself ripe with symbolism – with a real conversation that details some of the many struggles, internally and externally, that members of the transgender community face each and every day.

a scene from “Hel Questioning Out Loud”

The style of the interview will keep anyone who watches intrigued. The emotional interview segments force the audience to look into the eyes of Hel without societal labels like non binary or beyond gender. We see an actual person for who they are and nothing else. The interview is spliced with insights into the world of drag and its purpose in the Trans world. An emotionally charged and subtle score credited as ‘Where Silence is Non Existent’ (A Himitsu) is excellent, and serves as a fluid and beautiful counterpart to the story.

One will leave wanting more. “Hel Questioning Out Loud” is only a fragment of a person’s story and delivers in its wake a lasting impact that offers acceptance and hope. Check out Omaro Productions on Instagram here!






Matt's a writer and content creator for the site. His reviews offer insight on the art of filmmaking from the standpoint of a casual fan. Check out and follow him on Instagram and Twitter @MattDeCristo.

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