Thursday, September 19

Here at The Movie Buff, we were fortunate enough to reconnect with Writer/Director/Actor Ashley Nicole to talk about one of her upcoming projects. In the past, we’ve reviewed several of Nicole’s shorts, including films like “I Can See the Future,” “Button Eyes,” and “Eternal Mind.”

Something that Nicole does so well (specifically since she her stories take on a campfire story-type feel) is to bask viewers in haunting images that aren’t exactly horrific, but manage to send chills up your spine in a subtle way. This is furthered by her scores, which typically feature things like music boxes and xylophones. In a modern horror landscape supersaturated with gore and torture porn, it’s a welcome change; it’s also one that audiences who love shorts should find enticing.

Now, we’ve received word that Nicole is working on an anthology series, to be comprised of three films. While the project isn’t to be released for roughly a year, we caught up with Ashley Nicole to talk about her take on horror films, her upcoming horror anthology, and why the filmmaker has decided to take on a more ambitious project.

Note: this interview has been edited for clarity. 

Mark Ziobro for The Movie Buff: Hi, Ashley, and thanks for returning to talk to us. Can you tell us what you’ve been up to since the last time we talked? Have you made many films? 

Well I’ve mainly been busy with my school work and also working on my making my schedule more flexible! And also currently in the process of putting my first anthology film together. 

We recently reviewed another of your films, “I Can See the Future.” The film was like your other films but a little different. Can you talk about this film? Was it difficult to make and what do you hope that audiences will get out of it. 

It wasn’t actually that difficult to make it was rather easy considering the fact that I already knew what I wanted in it. The idea actually came from James Wan’s new horror film “Malignant” and “Happy Birthday To Me,” which I thought were two great horror films. 

Where do you get the motivations or ideas for your films? Are you drawn to horror naturally, or is it something you have to work at to get right?

Mr Red
Poster art for “Mr. Red.” Photo submitted by Ashley Nicole.

I’ve been a fan of horror ever since I was a kid, but I think one of my motivations for wanting to do this specific genre would be Stephen King. I’ve always been a huge fan of his books, movies, etc. 

I’m not really drawn to it naturally it takes work to make a perfect horror short or film edit you’re working alone like I am. 

We recently talked, and you mentioned that you are making an anthology collection. What is the name of the horror anthology and can you tell us a bit about it? What was your inspiration for this collection? 

I still haven’t buckled down on an official title for the film but I’m thinking about settling down with “Three Creepy Tales” since it seems to fit more with concept

My inspiration came from the “Tales from the Crypt” TV show for “The Dentist” and “Molly Dolly.”  As for “Mr. Red,” that one is one of my own ideas. 

How many films will make up the anthology and can you tell us why you chose to do a collection of stories instead of just one at a time? 

The film will consist of three short films that take place on the same night which is Halloween of course! And the reason why I chose to do a collection instead of a single film is because I felt like I was ready to make a longer project than my previous ones. 

The idea actually came from James Wan’s new horror film “Malignant” and “Happy Birthday To Me,” which I thought were two great horror films.” ashley nicole

Is the anthology available yet, or is it coming in the future? Can you tell people where they will be able to watch it when it’s ready?

Filming begins in the fall, winter, and spring since the films are going to be a little longer than some; but I’ll keep you updated. And people will be able to view it on YouTube and hopefully some streaming platforms as well. As for the release date, if any changes to the schedule happen I’d say by the summer of 2022 

What are your hopes for the future for your anthology? 

Poster art for “Cavity.” Photo submitted by Ashley Nicole.

My only hope for it is that it comes out the way I envisioned it and that it does well; also, maybe even be eligible for some film festivals. 

Can you tell us where we can find you? Do you have any social media links you want to share? 

People can find me on Instagram @ashlcynicole and on YouTube! 





Mark is a New York based film critic and founder and Managing Editor of The Movie Buff. He has contributed film reviews to websites such as Movie-Blogger and Filmotomy, as well as local, independent print news medium. He is a lifelong lover of cinema, his favorite genres being drama, horror, and independent. Follow Mark @The_Movie_Buff on Twitter for all site news.

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