Friday, September 20

Mighty Ira” is a powerful documentary that should be required viewing for all Americans.

The subject involved is Ira Glasser; the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) from 1978 to 2001. From a historical perspective, the viewer is offered a thorough peak at the ACLU and its root cause; to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties we all have. And to maintain a separate identity from the government itself. “Everyone is in favor of free speech,” Glasser smiles, “as long as it’s theirs.”

The piece follows Glasser’s early life; growing up in a tightly knit Jewish community in Brooklyn, NY. Glasser himself serves as narrator, roaming his childhood streets and pining about his long lost love; the Brooklyn Dodgers. He’s a likeable character in and of himself. His values and ethics bleed through. His passion for the causes of the ACLU will make you appreciate the freedoms our country has.

Mighty Ira
Holocaust survivor Ben Stern discusses free speech with Ira Glasser

The documentary touches on Glasser’s personal life as well. In today’s ultra-polarized world, it’s refreshing to see a figure like Glasser. He is always willing to work with those that disagree with his beliefs. A sequence in “Mighty Ira” explores his close friendship with conservative writer, William F. Buckley. It demonstrates how Glasser could represent the purpose of the ACLU without taking sides. “Ira wasn’t about to kiss anyone’s ass” someone comments, and its taken as a compliment.

Glasser modernized the ACLU, and while the youth of today don’t know who he is, that’s okay by him. What they need to understand is the correct importance of the values the institute protects. As a writer, freedom of speech is an important pillar of our society.

Ira Glasser embodies his Brooklyn roots

Glasser takes this right to heart as the documentary reveals. Specific time is allocated to an infamous 1978 case involving a Nazi march in Skokie, IL. There are protests, pundits, and Holocaust survivors all weighing in. It’s a part of history that will make you appreciate your freedoms. And its an incredibly emotionally part in the picture.

“Mighty Ira” is a quick and informative watch. It presents a historical review of the ACLU and an abridged biography of one of its most revered leaders.






“Mighty Ira” is available to stream here

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Matt's a writer and content creator for the site. His reviews offer insight on the art of filmmaking from the standpoint of a casual fan. Check out and follow him on Instagram and Twitter @MattDeCristo.

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