Thursday, September 19

It’s officially Halfway to Halloween. Specifically, halfway to October. A few years ago I stumbled across the bevy of independent horror shorts on YouTube. It’s a fun thing to focus on. These productions emphasize simplicity and a true love of the genre. Most are bad, but that’s the same of all horror.

The Dollmaker” is an exception.

This 2017 piece was written by Matias Caruso and directed by Al Lougher. It’s a flawlessly told tale that shows the true abilities of a good horror story in the hands of capable artists.

Full of Dread

It’s ominous and awful right from the open. Parents – played by Perri Lauren and Sean Meehan – have suffered the tragic loss of their young son. How or why is unknown and unnecessary. A sinister sort (played by Dan Berkey) gifts them a doll to “help” with the grieving process. And the doll comes with a set of ominous rules one must follow.

Perri Lauren feeding her son

The premise alone is chilling to say the least. Grieving parents that would do anything to bring back their beloved child. It’s something even the most grizzled of horror writers would be afraid to create (even Stephen King was reluctant to release ‘Pet Semetary’). The acting is effective and truly believable.

So the somber mood is set from the open. There’s a creepy doll which always adds to the scares. It’s a great combination of mounting tension and effective jump moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you watch.

The Dollmaker

It’s less than ten minutes long, and manages to do what most full length pictures can’t. Terrify the viewer. This had been sitting in my YouTube queue since October, and I’m glad it’s finally gone. I would fall asleep on the couch and wake up with it playing. Scary AF.

April Horrors bring May flowers, err something. We’re 182 days from October. Try “The Dollmaker” if you’re brave.





“The Dollmaker” is available to watch on YouTube


Matt's a writer and content creator for the site. His reviews offer insight on the art of filmmaking from the standpoint of a casual fan. Check out and follow him on Instagram and Twitter @MattDeCristo.

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