We know from Seinfeld (the show) that Seinfeld (the comic) is obsessed with cereal. So, it’s fitting that Jerry Seinfeld (the guy) makes his directorial debut in a movie that’s all about breakfast.
When it comes to ‘Seinfeld’ I’m an obsessed fan. I’ve been watching and rewatching the series for over three decades. I go through it from beginning to end (at least) once a year. Recently, I started watching Jerry’s other show ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’ and quickly became a fan. I enjoy his standup and overall comedic demeanor. When I found out about his latest project, I was fully on board.
Seinfeld knows Comedy
“Unfrosted” is a 2024 Netflix release. It tells the story of the battle between rivals Kellogg’s and Post. The battle for which company will win the rights to Pop Tarts. In a world divided by politics and besieged with conflict, hatred, and overall doom, this truly is a movie about nothing.

Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, Barry Marder, and Andy Robin co-wrote the production. All are relics of the hit 90s sitcom. And there are plenty of throwbacks and references that ‘Seinfeld’ fans will devour.
The story takes place in Battle Creek, Michigan. The year is 1963. Seinfeld stars as Bob Cabana; a Kellogg’s exec who has had his blueprints for a new breakfast food, the Pop Tart, stolen. The specific historic details have been altered to be ridiculous. Some of the characters are real. Some of the events actually happened. Yes, its a true story, but I wouldn’t base your thesis on it.
A+ Cast
The ensemble cast features dozens of comedic talents. Jim Gaffigan plays Kellogg’s CEO Edsel Kellogg III. Amy Schumer is Marjorie Post, head of the rival company. Seinfeld was able to land his fellow comedians on his name alone. Melissa McCarthy, Bill Burr, Sebastian Maniscalso have roles. Actors Christian Slater, Hugh Grant, James Marsden, Peter Dinklage are featured. The cameos are fun and often unexpected amidst the huge cast.
“Unfrosted” is meant to be silly. There are numerous laugh out loud moments in its 96 minutes. The story, and Jerry himself, aren’t supposed to be taken seriously. The jokes can and are overly goofy. Because of this, the run time is a bit excessive. Each character delivers humor in the style of the specific actor. If you enjoy the comedy of, say, Jim Gaffigan, you’ll love his performance. If not, his schtick will get tired quick and this film isn’t for you.
Cast Spoilers!
With the cameos and callbacks, I would have loved it if more ‘Seinfeld’ characters and alum had appeared. Obviously, I have no knowledge about whether certain actors were asked to and declined. It would have been amazing to see Wayne Knight, Jason Alexander, Julia-Louise Dreyfus, Larry David etc. We do get the great Patrick Warburton, so there was potential.
Jerry Seinfeld does comedy, and he does it well. “Unfrosted” is a funny but absurd movie that deserves to be watched. It won’t go down with the historic greats of cinema, and that’s okay. It will satisfy your hunger until Seinfeld’s next project.
“Unfrosted” can be streamed on Netflix.