Released in 2021 and detailing the CervicalCheck scandal that rocked Ireland, “The Letters,” directed by Robbie Walsh, is now available to stream on Previously, the film was introduced on streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime Ireland, Fubo, and Hoopla digital.

“The Letters,” written, directed, and starring Walsh, is a stark look at this cervical cancer scandal and how it affected over 200 women. Given false negative test results, women went on about their lives not knowing they were positive for cervical cancer, in many cases not finding out until it was too late. The film dramatization follows three women, played to perfection by actresses Sarah Carroll, Kathleen Warner Yeats, and Mary Murray. In different socioeconomic statuses and life paths, the three women share a common bond as being victims of this scandal and the harm it caused.

“The Letters” has been well-received, winning an ‘Advocacy’ award at the Festival Angaelica as well as two Detaron TV awards for ‘Best Director’ (Robbie Walsh) and ‘Best Independent Film.’ Filmed in mostly black and white, the film was, as stated in our review, a hard watch, but one that everyone should see. 

For more information about “The Letters,” you can visit the IMDb page here, or click the following link to read our interview with Director Walsh about the production.

You can watch the film’s trailer in the window below.


Mark is a New York based film critic and founder and Managing Editor of The Movie Buff. He has contributed film reviews to websites such as Movie-Blogger and Filmotomy, as well as local, independent print news medium. He is a lifelong lover of cinema, his favorite genres being drama, horror, and independent. Follow Mark @The_Movie_Buff on Twitter for all site news.

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