“Three O’Clock High” is an unheralded 80s high school comedy.
An enormous campus, cliché cliques, rampant gossip – things that are staples of the era are present. The concept is great, and I can’t help but think better writing would have made this 1987 film on par with The Breakfast Club, Ferris Buehler’s Day Off, or Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Time is ticking.
Jerry Mitchell (Casey Siemaszko) is a typical 80s nerd. He runs the school bookstore, is good at math, and is awkward around his crush. His social circle consists of pesky little sister Brei (Stacey Glick) and best friend Franny (Anne Ryan). Franny is in love with Jerry and of course he’s clueless to this.

On a typical school day, Jerry crosses paths with Buddy Revell (Richard Tyson) a standard 80s bully. Buddy intends to fight Jerry after school – three o’clock to be precise. The movie follows Jerry throughout the day as he attempts to thwart his beatdown.
Casey Siemaszko does a good job in the lead role. He has the look and demeanor of a timid uncool sort of teen. Siemaszko has had an interesting career. While not reaching the level of Brad Pitt, he’s been a consistent actor since the 80s. He also boasts credits in two of the best movies ever; Back to the Future and Stand By Me and two of the best video games of all time Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption 2. Take that, Mr. Pitt.
Speaking of all-time great films, I immediately recognized Richard Tyson from his villainous role in Kindergarten Cop. Tyson’s character of Buddy Revell is underdeveloped, but it works, despite him being 31 years old at the time. “You and me…Three o’clock.” He threatens with a Cullen Crisp sneer. “You sneak home, I’m gonna be under your bed.”
Renowned comedic actors Jeffrey Tambor and Philip Baker Hall lend support.
Despite its limitations, “Three O’Clock High” has some things going for it. I loved the introductory scene at the school, where we hear different social circles commenting on how tough a kid Buddy is. It gets slow in the middle acts. I was hoping a movie like this would land in my all-time favorites but alas it does not.
“Three O’Clock High” is fun. If it didn’t happen in the 80s it would be forgettable. But it did, so watch it if you like that style.